odd measures

August 17th, 2009 by admin Leave a reply »

Gadget alert! For all the recipes that call for 2/3 cup of this dry ingredient and 3/4 cup of that—say, like the banana chocolate chip oatmeal muffins or sour cream–maple muffins Carter and I recently made—it’s especially handy to  have “odd-size” measuring cups.

Odd-size measuring cups are another one of those gadgets that wish I’d bought a lot sooner! I have an All Clad set, which also includes odd-size measuring spoons (2 teaspoon, 1 1/2 tablespoon, and 2 tablespoon), from Williams Sonoma, but just look for a basic set that includes 1 1/2 cup, 3/4 cup, and 2/3 cup to take the guesswork out of measuring dry ingredients in these frequently asked-for quantities. My guess is, pretty soon, they won’t be the odd ones out.

It’s just so much easier for Carter to scoop and level flour 3/4 cup flour with a 3/4 cup measuring cup. Ditto having a 2/3 cup measuring cup to show him how to tightly pack and measure 2/3 cup of brown sugar for the banana muffins. Plus he’s learning about fractions without even knowing it!


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